Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Colonial Williamsburg

Set in 301 acres, Colonial Williamsburg is the country's largest live, interactive history museum. There are 88 original buildings and more than 500 meticulously reconstructed ones which include colonial homes, government buildings, trade shops and taverns where Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and others conceived the ideals of liberty and independence.

I could ramble for a long time about this place but have to finish up here. Our weeds are 7 ft high in the polytunnel so I'm going out shortly now that hubby is home from work to make a start. If I'm brave I'll post a photo of the jungle on my very neglected homestead blog. *Note - we are not home steaders but aspire to one day be as self sufficient as possible. It may inspire me to get out every evening for an after shot.
Sometimes my own stupidity knows no bounds! When we were on the road I'd planned to use this blog as a journal, however most of any computer time was spent resizing photographs. It was only when I was almost done the other night that I saw the 'multiple file uploader' tab on the pix resizer feature that I've been using for over a year now! You live and learn!


Anonymous said...

You have really neat info on all the places you visited. I need to do that--though my travel adventures aren't nearly so exciting.
Plus, I always forget to make pictures. Hope all is well with you.

flmom said...

This is such and amazing, amazing trip your family got to experience! I love all the photos.

I'm having HSB login/posting issues so I'm not spending a lot of time on my blog there. I am liking blogger a bit more.

Anonymous said...

Hi!! I am ALadybug from Homeschoolbogger and I am friends with sunflower8. It sounds and looks like you had a great time there! I am glad you like the United States! I bet that I would like the United Kingdom!! Lol
I love the pictures.
Have a good day!

God Bless,

Andi Carter said...

We went to Williamsburg but now are wishing we'd done Jamestown instead. My DD, young DS, a couple grandkids, and I went in Oct. 2006 during the worst Nor'easter that had swept down upon the coast. My GPS took us along the James River (a shortcut from North Carolina). BAD mistake. The flooding forced us to drive through rivers across the roadway, which made my DD very nervous. And after all that we had to turn back when we were almost there! After about 4 or 5 hours of driving, that was terrible news! On the interstate, it was raining so hard I literally couldn't see out the windshield and had to slow way down. We had intended to visit both Williamsburg AND Jamestown, but wasting all that time on the "shortcut" put us behind a day, so we had to choose. We chose poorly. Williamsburg was OK, but I think the kids would have preferred seeing the ships at Jamestown. Oh, well!

flmom said...

Just popping by to say hello - hope all is well for you and your family!